【版本2.0 再度升級】
完全針對學生痛點 告別盲背時代
- 未能洞悉同義詞之間的細微分別,因字典中的解釋非常相似,更不會告訴你一個字在何種語境下使用才是適合,以致應用字詞時表達意思不精確
–> Melody憑藉深厚的英文功底已經為同學在備註部分列出某組字詞所強調的意味或情感,清楚列出在正面/ 反面/ formal/ informal等情況下該使用哪些字詞,並非同學一般查字典便能查到,亦節省大量查閱細微分別的時間
- 即使分清楚字詞之間的分別,仍不懂如何應用在句子當中,文法因硬要使用較深的同義詞而錯漏百出
–> 每個字詞均設有例句,方面同學明白應用方式,節省自己逐字查例句的時間;Melody更於備註部分提醒同學使用方法,例如是特定的preposition或是及物/ 不及物動詞等,大大減少同學犯grammatical mistakes的機會
- 背誦方法雜亂無章,未能辨別哪些同義詞組別是最常運用;即使知道哪些詞組是經常使用,在同一組同義詞中亦無法選取背誦性價比最高的詞語,浪費寶貴的溫習時間
–> Melody 憑藉多年考試作文經驗,精心挑選出50組(約500個字詞)背誦性價比最高的同義詞;在每一組同義詞中,Melody亦把意思/ 使用方法類近的字詞排列在一起,有助同學系統性背誦字詞,正式告別低效率背字時代
Course Curriculum
免費試讀 | |||
免費試讀 | FREE | 00:00:00 | |
完整版筆記下載 | |||
完整版筆記下載 | 00:00:00 | ||
Introduction | |||
Introduction | 00:09:42 | ||
百搭常用 | |||
百搭常用(一) | 00:36:00 | ||
百搭常用(二) | 00:51:48 | ||
百搭常用(三) | 00:31:00 | ||
舉例子必用 | |||
舉例子必用 | 00:14:00 | ||
形容社會現象 | |||
形容社會現象(一) | 00:39:00 | ||
形容社會現象(二) | 00:30:00 | ||
影響 | |||
影響 | 00:00:00 | ||
解決問題 | |||
解決問題(一) | 00:00:00 | ||
解決問題(二) | 00:00:00 | ||
論點 | |||
論點 | 00:39:00 | ||
心情 | |||
心情 | 00:27:00 | ||
額外筆記指引 | |||
額外筆記指引 | 00:00:00 |
實用 適用於DSE/ Ielts / 純粹想英文進步
課程所收錄的詞語是在DSE 英文卷二和卷三必會用到的
實用 適用於DSE/ Ielts / 純粹想英文進步
Really Good Notes
The notes and tutorials are really great, thanks for it. I will try to use some of them in my writing assignments and exams. The course are very worth to buy.
Course review
The course of synonyms is really useful. After going though the course, it must to beneficial in enriching the vocabularies in your mind. The vocabularies explained in this course is various ranging from adjective of describing mood to formal words used for discussing serious social issue.
課程很有用 令自己不用再花時間在網上慢慢找 適合想學習更多的詞語的人
課程很有系統,讓我能夠在短時間明白字詞之間的分別! 最重要的是Melody 老師能夠清楚地講解重點!! 所以這個課程值得推薦!!
筆記的內容非常充實, 而且大多數生字都能夠應用在作文上, 比起坊間的同義詞筆記實用得多
Feedback for the course
The vocabulary items are useful in tackling problems of writing in public examinations. While the words were specifically sorted out for students, it would be much more efficient to study in a short period of time to achieve good academic result.
The selection of synonym is really useful for IELTS and the grouping is systematic. With clear illustration, we can easily grab the different meaning among those synonyms and its usage in varies situation.
Actually, it is worth to spend time to brush up those notes regularly, it really helps to keep refreshing our communication ability.
省卻了很多 整理和 查字典的時間。但很多部分都要自行寫返上去卻不是太好,希望可以有打好的文本
Vocab course
This is a very decent course with a systematic approach, overall it is well-nigh flawless but to add icing on the cake, it is suggested that the course should be all taught in English including the notes written notably. I look forward to more similar courses, thank you.
值得付費學習的, 但100天有效期太短, 至少半年至一年才合理, 畢竟學習是需要時間.
大部份常用詞語集於一書,再加上例句,使人更容易明白,可以學到好多詞語,好有用,特別係考試做paraphrasing,可以用嘅詞量多咗好多! 謝謝。
The vocabulary list is so amazing!!
Actually I knew many of the words in the list in advance, but I didn’t really understand the exact difference among them.
I aim for band score 7 or even 8 in the IELTS exam and I found this synonym list quite useful because it’s systematic.
The content is target-oriented and it makes things easier for me to memorize the words accurately in order to achieve higher band score.
btw, why does it expire so soon?? I think it should last for at least a year.
Students like me who have to balance daily work and English studying are recommended to take the course. The note is very clear and well-structured. The words introduced are quite useful that we can try to apply in various ways to improve our exam skills / English level.
課程10分詳細地講解了不同同義詞之間的分別, 豐富了學習者的詞彙庫。不過筆記排版偶然不太整齊,但不是大問題。 另外,雖然你們表示當發現課程有問題可以聯絡網站Admin,然而其回覆速度極慢,十分影響學習者體驗,希望可以改善。
同義詞 - 實用
以前返學從來沒有學過那麼多同義詞,感覺好新鮮、好實用。課程有例句,還會強調preposition 的運用,自學時不用死記硬背。對上班族來說,學習時間100天略嫌短暫,如能將學習時段增長至半年更好。
Learned a wide range of vocabulary
This course enabled me to learn a colossal variety of vocabulary. The explanations were very detailed helping us to grasp differences between similar words. In addition, examples were added to let you know how to use those words properly.
沒有後悔買這份筆記,內容基本上包含寫作上的大部分會用到的字,分門別類,非常充實, 解說清晰,也解答了我很多同義詞的疑問和用法。
整合得非常清楚已睇, 我試過自己想整合一份類似的生字筆記, 但因為唔係識晒所有字寫唔到咁多例句到最後同死記一樣唔會識用。好多時加新字又無系統, 想搵返個字作文用都搵左一大輪, 我的天。
如果係D字前面有埋正負的符號就更加完美, 又如果有埋可以完整唔洗抄的版本就更加好(可以選擇抄唔抄)因為…手寫好樣衰, 抄完都睇唔明自己寫乜…HAHHA
最最後後, 多謝melody咁花心機整理好一份咁正O既筆記。
字詞十分多,而且有教學,教我地要無限loop,只要不斷使用就可以運用自如。很重要係有例句,使我知道在什麼情況下使用及物或不及物,我最喜歡係 重要的(第7組),在日常交談都可以用得著,十分推薦
Very helpful, although some pronunciation errors can be found at times
The notes are very clear, organized, and helpful. However, it would be great if Melody were more mindful of her pronunciation. There are many words that are unfortunately mispronounced. Some of the simpler words include the supposedly silent “b” being pronounced in “climbing”, the inaccurate vowel used for “gerund”, “comment”, and “comfortable”. Additionally, some mispronunciations are even more critical, such as the misplaced stress in certain words like “insoluble” and “equivocal”, and the complete mispronunciation of words like “assuage”, to name but a few. The sentence can be unintelligible if you mispronounced some of the words!
But apart from that, I am very happy with the notes and the course.
Useful course
The notes and explanations are very detailed in this course, helping students to improve their usage of vocabulary. Especially some reminders for student to avoid the grammatical mistakes are great and helpful. Hope this course can benefit more learners in advancing vocabulary.
Very good synonyms dictionary
I found your synonyms dictionary quite useful when I write the essay with different topics.
It would definitely help student to use a different variety of synonyms when writing essay.
This can help to reduce to use the same word multiple times.
You also told use the minor differences for the synonyms. This is quite useful for us to use the word correctly in the essay.
Finally, thanks a lot for sharing such a fruitful synonyms with us.
Value for money
I can learn many vocabularies from the lesson, and the most important thing is that I am not only recite these vocabularies, I can use all of them in my writing without a grammatically mistake. However, when I started the lesson, the videos of the lesson couldn’t play smoothly and sometimes I need to refresh the page a couple of time to load the video. In conclude, it is value for money.
Excellent course
The whole course not only alerts students or working adult of many common mistakes in handling different types of scripts but also enriches the synonym of vocabulary. It is recommended that those want to improve the weakness of vocabulary in English.
The English Lesson on Synonyms
The English lesson on synonyms is both beneficial and informative, and it includes an explanation based on real-world examples. In the writing exam, I will find several applications for it. My time spent studying is cut down because of it.
必背同義詞寶典精讀2.0 (6小時升級版)
A very useful course
A very useful course, which enabled me to master the use of many synonyms and the subtle differences between them. There are also some subtle differences between each synonym, which are not explained in daily dictionaries or on the Internet. Greatly enriched my writing vocabulary and improved my composition ability
課程實用,將生詞系統化整理,方便記憶之外, 亦了解到不同同義詞之間的關係及用法。
該課程相當實用,有很好的例句參考, 可以短時間掌握實用的同義詞及其用法, 對英文的寫作及閱讀理解的能力也有提升。
It is such a practical course that I have learnt a lot of vocabulary and phrases, as well as their collocations, which can not only be used in exams but can also be applied in my daily life. The vocabulary and synonyms are put in a systematic way so that they are easily remembered.
Well selected material, but a bit pricey
I just read all the material, the list is well arranged and selected, but it’s pretty expensive for the rather small list of words.
Explanation of the words are well done with the videos. If this course would include some kind of exercise will make it more complete.