Task 1 全方位攻略,即學即用,絕對不拖時間!

全方位系統性拆解Task 1必出題型,配搭原創35篇精華範文精闢分析解說

濃縮精華重點,絕不拖時間,IELTS Task 1馬上上手,技巧即學即用




  • Introduction, General Structure and Skills
  • Line Graph
  • Bar Chart
  • Table
  • Pie Chart
  • Diagram
  • Map
  • How to tackle “Mixed Type” Questions


Course Curriculum

免費試讀 + Sample下載
免費試讀 + Sample下載 FREE 00:10:00
完整版筆記下載 00:00:00
1. Introduction, General Structure and Skills and 2. Line Graph 00:53:24
3. Bar Chart 00:35:48
4. Table 00:31:12
5. Pie Chart 00:23:18
6. Diagram 00:30:42
7. Map 00:17:30
8. How to tackle “Mixed Type” Questions 00:15:42
指引 00:00:00

Course Reviews


88 ratings
  • 5 stars46
  • 4 stars35
  • 3 stars5
  • 2 stars1
  • 1 stars1
  1. IELTS Writing Task 1 Review


    This intensive course gave me a lot of tips and guidelines on how to tackle different chart or diagram questions. I think that is very useful for me as I barely have the idea on how to score higher in these types of questions at the beginning. Hope this can help more students in doing the writing tasks!

  2. 不錯


    課程可以在一日內令我明白雅思考試考什麼,Melody 能清楚地講解重點,值得推薦

  3. feedback


    Thanks, Melody Tam has taught me a lot of useful skills to do well in ielts writing task 1.
    The course that illustrates the clear concepts of how to maximize your ielts band score to me is skillful and helpful!!!
    If you are struggling with how to get the best score that you can achieve. I believe that this course will definitely assist you to do it well.

  4. feedback


    The course is very useful since the illustration of each question types are more than enough, the skills to tackle them are also clear to understand. Different steps of writing the paragraphs are clearly taught so I can easily note them down and revise it before my IELTS exam. Definitely recommend this course to anyone who are struggling to get a better score on the writing paper!

  5. helpful


    this course is very useful. comparing with other courses outside, this is much easier to understand. I learned a lot from the course and understand how to tackle different types of question.Thanks MT and this is highly recommended.

  6. Feedback


    I learnt several very useful skill for writing task in the course. I could write many sentence with good structure after the course. The length of course is prefect. It would be better if there are more exercise provided.
    Please check the video for the writing task 1 (pie chart), a little part of ending was cut.

  7. 5

    After watching the videos of IELTS academic task 1, I have a better understanding of how to present the graphs and charts in IELTS writing task. The different types of graphs is clearly presented and elaborated in the video. I think this is the best course.

  8. IELTS Writing Task 1 Review


    This course gave me some insights about how to polish the structure of my writing. The course is very useful for those who are going to take IELTS texts and it may help you pursue for a high score in the paper. Thank you for your teaching, Mandy!

  9. Quite useful


    Melody has prepared the materials and analysed the IELTS topics and types of questions very well. She provided a very clear guidance on how to achieve a better grade in a relatively short period of time.
    Although some mistakes were found, I believe overall the course provide me with a fruitful experience.

  10. systematic appoach


    Melody taught in a systemactic appoach which helps me to understand the scoring points and paragraph structures.
    it would be even better if it covers more on themes of task 1.

  11. An Insightful Course


    Writing systematically is particularly important in examination like IELTS

    In this course, not only did Melody introduce and analyze different common and rare essay types in IELTS writing task 1, but she also explained how to tackle each essay type in a structured, organized and systematic way. Her teaching equipped students with tactics and skills which were essential to strive in the IELTS examination. On top of this, the course also included numerous sample essays for each essay type, which enabled us to learn how to put theory into practice.

    In the future, I recommend a more interactive approach in teaching, for example allowing the students to send essays so as to facilitate more effective teaching when the students can learn from their own mistakes, and this can also ensure students have a thorough understanding of the skills learned.

    Overall speaking, the course is insightful, useful and essential for better preparation of the IELTS examination.
    Thank you for your teaching, Melody.

  12. 十分有用的教學


    由淺入深咁慢慢教我地點做task 1 , 己經仲有好多唔同題目可以比我地練習用, 同埋可以係短時間之耐提升自己的ieltis skills, 真係十分實用,希望可以考好個ieltis 啦

  13. 有d悶


    雖然notes有曬可以出既題型,但係教學方式有d悶。另外,有d graph既顏色太接近,睇得有d辛苦,希望可以改下佢。

  14. A very specified approach to IELTS Task 1


    Melody Tam does a very detailed and specific approach to handling IELTS Task 1 questions, she discusses the different types of questions and how to cater your answers to each and every one of them. After going through the course, one should be familiar with her method since it is versatile that every question type can use it. However, I would like to suggest that Ms Tam switches up her teaching style from time to time, as she uses the same method to teach every single question/sample paper. It would be nice if she showed some negative samples instead, or list out some common sentences structures which students who are less confident in English can take examples from.

  15. feedback



  16. typo, typo and typo


    課程覆蓋得好全面,內容不會過多也不會過少。可能因為上【線上課堂】的原因,感覺 Melody 教得都幾快,只是因為裡面有不少的 typo 之外,需要時不時pause 個video 去更改。感到少了一些專注在 所提及的細節上。可能之後會在限時內重溫 video, 或者睇翻notes。

  17. 清晰容易理解



  18. 5


  19. Brilliant Techniques


    Thanks Melody. 以前一直唔知task 1 要點做,所以每次做練習都唔夠時間。聽完Melody的教學先知原來係禁簡單。會試下用啲技巧喺練習到!

  20. Feedback


    Thank you, Melody, for providing a high-quality lesson. With the specific strategies to each question types, I really have complete confidence in passing IELTs exam with satisfactory results. The minor flaw is the choice of colors. Since a few bar charts and pie chart always present the data in a slightly different colors, it is quite difficult for me to distinguish them. Apart from that, the course has much to recommend it.

  21. IELTS Task 1 Review - Clear Course Outline


    The course has a clear outline. Although there are multiple types of questions in Task 1, the skills taught in the course can be applied to not specific to one question type but is applicable to all question types. Therefore, with a sufficient number of samples, students can have multiple chances to practice their skills. One minor point for improvement is there are be some practice on writing main paragraphs during lessons.

  22. ielts writing task 1_review


    課程有系統,筆記也很實用,讓我能有效率地了解ielts writing task 1的題型和掌握答題技巧。唯筆記空白部分需要花時間自行抄寫,希望能有原整筆記。

  23. 4

    It is useful course for me to prepare IELTS. The video and notes has introduce a different types of questions and simplify the writing test. However, the speeding of video is a bit fast, and if it can provide a practice test will be better.

  24. 很全面


    課程很全面和實用,可以仔細說明不同類型的題目。另外,課程亦幫助我寫task 1時要注意的地方,變得更加有條理。雖然講的時侯比較快一點,要停一下和重覆看段片來寫筆記。不過,這課程更讓我提升writing task1 的答題技巧。

  25. 內容豐富講解清晰



  26. 真係教得好實用!!!



  27. 謝謝妳的用心


    整個課程很有系統。writing task 1 3個半的課堂很實用,比起出邊上ielts更簡而精,特別喜歡common structure 及 逐個題型介紹同有範文睇,令我在短時間可以掌握到如何有條理去寫文而且拎到高分。一口氣報了整個課程,希望可以取得好成績!!!

  28. 5

    This course is very organised and I got to know most of the question types that will appear in task 1. However, it is suggested that you could briefly read the sample essay in Chinese,e.g. the detailed statistics could be read by ourselves. Therefore, you could explain more about complex sentence structures/vocabularies.

  29. Course with detail


    It is really useful for me to know more about ielts writing task 1.There are different and detailed question types explanations as well as examples.I can have thorough look on the writing task 1.If people who are really urgent to have this test, please be reminded that we need more time to drop down notes ,think about each question and highlight the key points that consume more time.The time is not counted in this course.