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4.4( 60 REVIEWS )920 STUDENTSIELTS Writing (Academic): Task 1 全方位奪分精讀 (3.5小時)
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4.7( 35 REVIEWS )1219 STUDENTS必背同義詞寶典精讀2.0 (6小時升級版)
Course Reviews
- IELTS Writing (Academic): Task 1 全方位奪分精讀 (3.5小時)
IELTS Writing Task 1 Review 4
This intensive course gave me a lot of tips and guidelines on how to tackle different chart or diagram questions. I think that is very useful for me as I barely have the idea on how to score higher in these types of questions at the beginning. Hope this can help more students in doing the writing tasks!lary0112
IELTS Writing: Task 2試前必備衝刺精讀 (6.5小時)feedback 4
筆記很有用,我看完這個教學後,我對ielts writing task 的模式,題型和答題技巧更加了解,但有些部分講太快了,要一直重複看,但我覺得看完會有好的成績的Ineed7
IELTS Writing: Task 2試前必備衝刺精讀 (6.5小時)很有系統的課程 Writing: Task 2 5
整個課程很有系統。最喜歡的部分是Coherence 及 Question Types, 讓我在短時間可以掌握到如果有條理去寫文。當中提到的例句(template sentences)很實用而且不會太難記。Common Topic也提供左好多有用的points。建議在sample essays 減少再重覆提及過的points, 反而教一下文章中寫得好的vocabulary/ sentence structure/ grammar 會比較有趣和實用。Jenniferose
IELTS Writing (Academic): Task 1 全方位奪分精讀 (3.5小時)不錯 4
課程可以在一日內令我明白雅思考試考什麼,Melody 能清楚地講解重點,值得推薦mikhay
IELTS Writing: Task 2試前必備衝刺精讀 (6.5小時)實用 4
雖然語速有啲快,但內容及筆記非常豐富及詳盡。而百搭既points,寫作結構同一啲sentence patterns 都好實用。Dicksonlui